Lobsters, Winos, and Lemons

Over the weekend Santa Barbara and Goleta hosted separate but fun festivals. Down by the marina was the Santa Barbara Harbor and Seafood Festival while the following day at Girsh Park was the Lemon Festival (I took less pictures because I was slightly hungover.)

All in all, a very fun weekend with some old college friends and getting to explore some Santa Barbara events we never got to try as undergrads.

Some highlights…prepare for food envy.

The view from the marina

All the boats in the harbor

The boys got to shoot from the water canon.

Live urchin. $6 but apparently this is cheap for fresh urchin (that was still moving!)

Our crab plate.

Lobsters chilling in the pool. I asked for the feistiest one. He came out swinging.

Worth the wait.

First time trying Danish Aebleskiver. Yum.

Digging into some lemon pie.

Wine tasting flights at Corks and Crowns after feasting on seafood.

A very popular pup named Riley enjoying the attention