Friday Favorite Links

Friday Fav Links 5-914
* It’s getting hot again and since Santa Barbara always feels like a summer kind of town, I’ve been wanting to find a proper beach blanket. I’ve been using an old plaid picnic blanket but it’s not really suitable for the sand. I’ve been obsessed about buying the perfect Mexican blanket like this one using non traditional colors or even this one from Peru.

* Discovered Canopy this week. Cool way to shop Amazon products and avoid its visually boring website. It’s like Amazon/Pinterest/Etsy rolled into one. I’m all for it. (Canopy)

* This Slate article is going around–Rob Lowe sending his son off to college. As someone who gets homesick on the regular, this line slayed me: “There is a little of that sense memory at play too, a feeling that I’m about to be left out of important events, separated from life as I know it, the world as I love it.” (Slate)

* We leave for Brazil in about a month. I haven’t gotten too excited about it yet, except window internet shopping for it. These travel notebooks by Midori are gorgeous and my brother just picked up this Everlane backpack I’ve been wanting for my birthday. More importantly, can one shop for six-pack abs? 

* I was both scared and amused watching this video. I think he just wanted a snack.  (YouTube)